Anthony Morrison
Speaker, Author & Entrepeneur

As someone who puts on seminars and speaks at many events around the country I consider myself to know a great deal about the industry. When I attended one of Marc Accetta’s Seminars I had a vision in my mind of what it would be like, just like the other events I have attended.
I was completely wrong. The training that was put on by Marc Accetta was by far the most entertaining and motivating events I have ever attended in my life. I would highly suggest anyone and everyone attend one of his events if you want to further your success in whatever it is your doing.
One thing I do know is if you change your mindset you change your level of success. Marc Accetta is a master at helping people change their mindset to welcome the success that they desire.
By far the best event I have ever attended in my life. I think everyone should experience this to see what it's like to be completely empowered by your own mind for success and happiness through Marc Accetta's trainings."

Tony Swiantek
Network Marketing

"I dedicated a good portion of my life to playing professional tennis. That pursuit led me to working at Nick Bollateri's tennis academy in Florida. Nick has trained Andy Roddick, Andre Aggasi and the Williams sisters, just to name a few. I learned how to push myself to the highest level possible on a tennis court at Bollateri's.

To get the absolute most of my ability. Unfortunately, that level was not as high as I had hoped, so I retired and moved into a career in Network Marketing. I never imagined that there could be someone that could create the winning spirit in a workplace that I felt at Bollateri's, but that is exactly what Marc Accetta has done. He has demanded my very best as my personal coach.

As a result, I am constantly in the top 10 income earners for an international wellness company, earning monthly bonuses well in excess of $15,000. I also received a promotion that only 7 other people in our company have achieved out of ten thousand. My favorite exercise is the goal setting process at Journey Beyond the Edge. It literally takes the better part of an entire day to complete, but the results have been almost unbelievable for me.

I am so thankful that Marc is so passionate at what he does. He loves to lead and inspire people to be their best. I can't imagine what my career would be like without him. Thank God, I'll never have to know."

Nancy Lieberman
NBA Hall of Famer

"Marc Accetta is a master of teaching you business and leadership principles all while you are sitting there laughing at all his genius routines. Who knew learning could be this much fun and be so powerful at the same time."

Ted Agnick
Phoenix, AZ

"When I first saw Marc Accetta in April of 2006, I had been a lawyer for over 12 years and owned my own law firm for over six years.

By applying concepts Marc Accetta taught, I nearly doubled my monthly gross income by the end of April and nearly tripled my monthly gross income in May of 2006.

Marc Accetta made me believe what was possible and provided me with simple tools to achieve what was possible. Marc's candor, knowledge and raw talent to communicate allows him to teach in a very effective way that generates results as opposed to just making you feel good.

Prior to Marc's coaching, I had participated in some of the top self improvement programs in the country. Marc Accetta is the person that absolutely showed me how to hit the afterburners switch to accelerate achievement in my life. Thank you Marc Accetta! You changed my life."

Kari & Lisha

"Marc Accetta has changed our lives. We were dancers, cheerleaders and actresses but no business background and 3 years ago we were broke and in debt so we decided to plug into the trainings and coaching Marc offered.

The way Marc motivates, inspires and the skills he teaches has given us personal growth and financial success. We have more friends now then we have had in our entire life and have had more fun learning the skills and techniques needed for growth both personal and business.

We now have more time and are financially free. Our lives are changed forever because of the coaching we have had from Marc. We are blessed to have Marc and Kelly Accetta a part of our lives."

Marc has been studying all types of entrepreneurial businesses since the recession has hit and has a brand new seminar coming out in 2011 that is destined to be the biggest thing to hit the business world years.

His new, I KNOW WHAT'S MISSING 3 Day Training Event will give thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs the missing ingredient that is holding them back from the success that they are working so hard for.

The magical training will be unveiled in the second quarter or 2011 and will only cost the attendees $1000 to attend!

At Austin Walsh's request, we have created a special recording of the entire event and we are making it available to ISocial Students NOW!  You will have the opportunity to have the entire content of the event 5 full months before anyone else has ever heard it....

...and, we are making it available for 70% OFF




          Living in Full Color CD, DVD and Workbook (pic)
This amazing program teaches you how to read people INSTANTLY and teaches you how to persuade virtually anyone to your way of thinking! 

It is wildly entertaining, yet cover the most intricate details to make sure you can master the techniques it reveals to become a master persuader!


Both of these products are very powerful, but there is no doubt that Marc conveys his valuable teachings much better at live events, so we are including an unheard of special bonus worth $2000.

Marc started doing a seminar in 2010 called The 3Day MBA in which he and some of the greatest wealth creation experts in the world are Masters of Business Acceleration.  Top of the line experts who rarely speak at live events, such as Internet Marketing Phenomenon Shawn Casey, Credit Repair expert Mike Citron, and Social Media giant Austin Walsh share how to ACCELERATE whatever you are doing so you can collapse your time frames and get where you are going much, much faster!

Gabe Shirey also shows all the attendees to get and use business credit and each attendee of the event is given a free ((whatever Gabe gives for free))

The next 3Day MBA will be held in San Diego on the weekend of February 18-20

You will be able to attend this event (with a guest of your choice) as a special bonus for FREE !

That gives ISocial Academy students a total of over $3200 in value....For
ONLY $297

FINAL (you have got to be kidding me) BONUS


One of Marc's most popular live events is called,

Every business owner MUST master these three skills to succeed at the highest level.  Marc spend a full day on each of these skills and helps transform people into champions within 72 hours!

Seating is VERY LIMITED in this high level seminar.  Individuals pay $5,000 to attend this event.  The next one is being held at The Venetian in Las Vegas on December 10-12, 2010

If you place your order right now, we will send you two tickets for this event for
FREE !!!


I KNOW WHAT'S MISSING complete audio series        ($1000 value)
LIVING IN FULL COLOR complete training series     ($200 value)
3DAY MBA seminar in Feb 2011                       ($2000 value)
Connect, Persuade & Lead live 3 day seminar Dec 2010 ($5000 value)


TOTAL COMBINED VALUE OF        $8200 value
